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This is because anyone found culpable will be exposed. The Otumfuo Commemorative Gold Coin project appealed to the Asantehene to caution politicians and other people of influence against engaging in galamsey activities in the Ashanti Region. “As we are doing sensitisation on anti- galamsey, we know the land is destroyed and so we are going to do reclamation as our corporate social responsibility,” the source said. The Otumfuo Commemorative Gold Coin project is aware that the lands have been destroyed so it is not talking, but rather it will take action that will restore the lands to their natural states. The Otumfuo Commemorative Gold Coin project will also undertake reclamation of mined-out lands in the Ashanti Region, to restore the disturbed lands to their previous natural resource setting, while minimizing environmental impacts. “So when the labourers are arrested, there should be a follow-up with the arrest of the financiers,” the source appealed. These are the people who buy the excavators. While such labourers should not be allowed to go free, emphasis must be on the real culprits who finance the galamsey activities. The Otumfuo Commemorative Gold Coin project believes that over-focusing on the arrest of labourers at illegal gold mining sites while leaving financiers off the hook is not the way to go in the fight against galamsey. “The talking has gone on for far too long, and the time for action to restore normalcy is now,” the source said.

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“We know those who are engaged in galamsey, and once they are arrested and the evidence of their involvement is clear, their names will be sent to the Embassies for them to be blacklisted.

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The Otumfuo Commemorative Gold Coin project appealed to His Majesty to talk to the international community to blacklist financiers of illegal gold mining in his Kingdom adding that it would not be out of place if such persons are denied visas by the Embassies.


The legal team will be made up of crack lawyers who are ready to do the job required of them.įurthermore, the Otumfuo Commemorative Gold Coin project is taking steps to formally appeal to the Chief Justice and the Attorney General to ensure the expeditious trial of cases relating to illegal gold mining in the Ashanti Region. The source warned that chiefs who fail in that regard will be reported to Otumfuo.Ī legal team will be constituted by the Otumfuo Commemorative Gold Coin project to help in the prosecution of persons caught in illegal gold mining, and also perform other legal issues relating to combating galamsey in the Ashanti Region.


“So if for instance, the Minerals Commission gives license to someone to mine in a community, the chief in that community is expected to monitor the license holder to ensure that he does the right thing rather than going behind to do galamsey,” the source added. “Through the training, the chiefs will know what is expected of them,” the source indicated.Ĭhiefs in the Ashanti Region are to ensure that people who come to their areas with prospecting and other licenses do not use those licenses to undertake illegal gold mining.


The Otumfuo Commemorative Gold Coin project will also organise education programmes for chiefs, on how to fight illegal gold mining in their communities.Įxplaining the importance of the training, the source said the chiefs manage the lands on behalf of the Asantehene, and therefore they need the required training on how to perform their duties effectively in order to ward off galamsey activities. The source added: ” The investigations will be wide, covering even chiefs suspected to be engaged in the illegal activities, and we appeal to Otumfuo to destool any chief found culpable.” The E ON 3 Group source said, to support the Asantehene achieve his anti-galamsey objectives, the task force will investigate galamsey activities, and submit a report to him. Otumfuo has been at the forefront of the fight against illegal gold mining, and he has declared 2023 an action year as he moves to protect lands and water bodies in his Kingdom from the activities of illegal miners. The Otumfuo Commemorative Gold Coin project is aware and appreciates the fact that His Majesty is not against gold mining, but what he abhors is the irresponsible manner some people undertake their activities, which impacts the environment negatively.

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